El Camino Real XXVIII - Results
Driver Navigator Car # Club Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Leg 4 Leg 5 Leg 6 Leg 7  Leg 8 Total
1* Don Dickey James McCulley 11 PCA/SB 27 103 200 21 12 115 200 200 878
2* Rob Brandt Tiffany Carson 10 PCA/SB 23 61 40 200 59 114 200 200 897
3* John Grusd Elizabeth Wehermeister 14 PCA/SB 5 149 106 190 200 92 200 200 1142
4* Janice Herndon Doreen Pankow 3 PCA/SB 23 38 200 200 108 200 190 200 1159
5* John Sofio Rebecca Sofio 5 Guest 21 200 200 200 200 45 200 154 1220
Class C
1* Bev Gould Tom Gould 6 PCA/SDR 17 26 10 65 29 40 21 46 254
2* Phil Reese Linda Reese 9 PCA/SB 33 47 20 200 104 25 200 41 670
1* Larry Scholnick Jeanne English 1 PCA/SGV 0 1 0 1 0 0 14 200 216
1* David Budlong Joe Akerman 4 ITN 1 24 0 22 3 0 2 13 65
2* Dave Jameson John Sears 7 Guest 1 0 2 200 4 72 200 30 509
3 Revere Jones Charlie Engen 2 PCA/SGV 0 151 4 20 4 2 157 200 538
Thanks to our excellent checkpoint workers: Jim Paden, Dick Douglass, Jane Uribe, Joe Schneider, Bob Roe, Suzy Sheller, Leo and Freya Oliver,  Ron Yttri, Control 1, David and Susan Stone, Registrars,  Joe Schneider and Joe Boucher, co-rallymasters.  We especially want to thank Jim Paden and Leo & Freya Oliver from SMSCC for their help in making this event a success.